Friday, December 10, 2004
I have an 1881 census record for my Ontario ancestors which lists as its census place Olden, Addington, Ontario. But it sure looks to me like Olden Twp is in Frontenac county. Was there an Olden village, perhaps? Were lines redrawn sometime after 1881? Any help you can give me in this matter will be appreciated (PS It also says Distrcit 118, Sub-district 1, Page # 18...if that helps any.)
Thursday, December 9, 2004
What are the requirements for adding info to a gravesite (i.e. parents are buried in one province, infant buried in another, would like to commemorate infant at burial site of parents)?
What is the latest information on the potential release of the 1911 Canadian Census?
Tuesday, December 7, 2004
the david Milne family is in California by 1870 but all children born in Ontario. Can I find either marriages or births for the 1850-60 date. They give no town only Ontario as place of birth. Parents born Scotland.
Births & marriages were not required to be registered until 1869, so for earlier births & marriages you will have to look at church records (which means you'll need to know their religion AND the place where they were born). There are some marriage registrations available from the 1830's and can be found organized by county, so you will need to know the county of origin unless you have the time and resources to check them all. Another option is the 1861 census but again you should know where to look.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
I've come upon a reference to another brother (Robert Watt) of our gggfather (Andrew) who emigrated from Ireland about 1850 and was reported to have been "lockmaster at the Soo", most likely before 1900. I've Googled all I can think of and checked the Sault St. Marie library...who might I contact to see if this is true and if they have information on him?
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
i have been researching my family tree. i live in scotland and am having great difficulty finding any information on the where adouts of the family i have over there. i have an address from 1957 names but still seem to get no where. i was wondering if you could give me any tips as all the ones i have tried are failing my and i would really like to get in touch with anyone who could help.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
My wifes father was sent to Canada, under the "HOME CHILDREN", banner it appears.that was in 1921-22 when he was 14-15. My wife said he never talked of his parents. We have no idea who sent him to Canada and why. He ended up at the LALLY farm in Perth. Is there a way of tracking his arrival and other details. The national archives have only completed their work up to 1916.
The Young Immigrants To Canada website should provide more guidance. Good luck!
Thursday, September 9, 2004
In researching my husband's family in Simcoe County, references are made to one being buried in FLANDERS FIELDS, another was a MASTER MARINER (I would assume on the Great Lakes), and the third, at one time drove on the WASSAGA STAYNOR STAGECOACH. Any suggestions on how to proceed on the above information. Thank you.
Wednesday, September 8, 2004
How can I find out where someone is buried in Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada?
My grandfathers brother Rickard Nordstrom emigrating to Canada, Ontario, around 1913. There are pictures of Rickard in a book called "Rock, Fur, Forest and Trees." It is a history of the area where Richard Emanuel Nordstrom lived. I think the name of the writer is Ronnie Rhind. Where can I buy this book or have copies from it?
My fathers grandfather came from Sweden to Canada 1911, how can I find his now living relatives? (Per Lindberg was born 1853, he died 1913 in Fort William, Ont, Canada).
I am trying to find more information about an article that appeared in St Catherine's Journal, Ontario, 10/9/1859. The article was about the funeral of a child of an Oswego (New York) Irishman. (I'm trying to find the name of that gentleman.) Do you know of a good way to find a reprint of this paper?
I am trying to locate parentage of my great great grandfather who was orphaned c. 1855 in Quebec area and indentured to a farm. Is there any data on indentured orphans anywhere?
Is there a listing of what family trees have been worked on in Ontario and by who? I have been working on the Dewar Families in the County of Glengarry and often wondered who is working on what family trees and if there is a way to tie in my research with some one else.
I would like to do some research on the Land Titles & Registry in Ontario. Where it started, when it started, how it started, etc. I worked in the Port Arthur Land Titles & Registry Office 50 years ago, & at that time it was under the Attorney General's Department of Ontario. I don't think it is now, but I would like any help on how I could get information about the beginnings of the Offices in Ontario. Thanks in Advance
Would there be like city directories to the Toronto areas. I cannot find any info without the proper dates but I know my great grandmother lived and died there up to mid 1940's.
I would like a copy of my ggfathers naturalization record. I have all the information plus the naturalization number. So in a sense, it really isn't a search. Would I still have to pay the $75.00 they require to do a search?
2010 Update:
For $5 you can apply for and receive Naturalizations Records between the years 1915-1932 using the LAC online index. You will have to provide proof of death when applying.
A census lists my ancestor as being born in "Canada ENG" - where is that?
Saturday, August 28, 2004
my father was born on Jan. 5th 1948 in Fort Williams ONTario. He was adopted shortly after birth. HE recently has passed and we just found out that he was adopted. His adopted parents are also passed. I would like to find out the name of his birth mother. How would i go about this???
Adoption Disclosure Register
Ministry of Community and Social Services/Ministry of Children's Services
2 Bloor Street West, 24th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1E9
Tel: (416) 327-4730
Fax: (416) 327-0573
[From Cathy] You could also check out adoption reunion registries. There maybe an aunt or uncle looking for you - even cousins. Here is the best one for Canadians. It is free.
Thursday, July 29, 2004
I am in Romania. I know that my father emigrated in Canada, Ontario, Copetown in 1977. I want to find him but I don't know how to begin. I don't know if he leaves or not anymore.
Copetown is part of the City of Hamilton. You can use Canada411 ( to see if he has a phone number or address.
If all the above fail, try hiring a "private detective" or research service.
Friday, July 9, 2004
How do I find out if someone married, and died in Ontario between 1930-1940. where to write, how many years will be searched, and cost? Thanks
Friday, May 7, 2004
I would like to obtain a copy of my deceased grandfathers birth certificate. He was born in London, Ontario in 1912 before emigrating to UK. Can i do this and who do i contact.
Sunday, April 25, 2004
Is it true that once our parents are deceased we are entitled to the information? I am adopted, but my birth mother was also adopted, which prevents me from going back any further. Her parents are long deceased, and I have just learned that my mother died 7 years ago. Can I get HER birth information, to find MY roots? What do I need to access this information? Thanks for your help.
Your other questions are difficult to answer as your situation involves two adoptions. Contact the Adoption Disclosure Register, they'll know how to help you.
Adoption Disclosure Register
Ministry of Community and Social Services/Ministry of Children's Services
2 Bloor Street West, 24th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1E9
Tel: (416) 327-4730
Fax: (416) 327-0573