Thursday, December 3, 1998
I found my ancestors listed on the 1861 Census on the Batchawana Indian Mission. Where would I find information on this mission and where their records would be located
Batchewana Band Offices
236 Frontenac Street
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
P6A 5K9
Or call: 705-759-0914
Sunday, November 22, 1998
1861 York Co. census, found our Hanrahan ancestor in Whitchurch twp. The previous census is missing. What documents can I use instead to search back for this ancestor?
Tuesday, November 10, 1998
How can I obtain vital records without exact dates and living in California?
Updated 2010:
Indexes for some years are available for free viewing at the FamilySearch website, images of the registrations can be accessed through a subscription to Ancestry.
Tuesday, November 3, 1998
At what point exactly did Ontario County disappear into Durham?
Sunday, November 1, 1998
What were the requirements for citizenship in 1910-1920? Specifically, how soon after immigrating could someone begin the process, and how long would it take?
Sunday, October 25, 1998
How can I determine the Census District, and Sub-district of a particular street address in Toronto in the 1901 Census?
The difficulties are two-fold: 1a). Many streets no longer exist, so the use of the City Directory in the Regional Room (2nd floor) first will give a cross street for the number you need. (For example, 369 Richmond is between the streets of King and Dundas, on the west side) This info can then be looked up on a current map, and if it exists, just move to the same region on the Electoral map and look for the intersection, etc.
If the street you have is newer than the 1901 Atlas maps, then you need to be a bit creative - again, go back to the directory and use the alpha by name part to get the then current address and try to locate it with its nearest cross street on the Atlas map.(in other words, find where they lived then by looking up their name) 1b). If you have no address, use the directory first, obviously.
The greatest challenge is in the Toronto East versus York East and it has been my experience that MUCH is in York east....or perhaps that's just where most of mine have been. 2a). It is important to do one thing, esp. for large cities - print the matching map from the Atlas and put a pin on the map where you section of film begins. Go a few turns and put another pin onto the map and you will begin to see a pattern emerging.
It is supposedly a clockwise block and then the next block, also clockwise, and each should begin in the north west corner of the block and proceed east, south, west and north back to the starting corner. The census taker should then walk east along the block face to the next new block and continue in the same way - east, south, west, north etc. until he has done every block If you are following the progression, you can see the pattern, usually.
Remember to read only the addresses and if your "address" isn't in the list, skip the names that go with those addresses. (It is set up always a couple pages of addresses followed by several pages of the names that reside there and repeating.) 2b) Match the street to the ward and select the film that lists that ward (in the directory of census films) I sometimes use the 1871 and 1881 references to find the lesser units, but I always use the 1901 ref for the bigger cities. I hope this helps.
I will gladly teach anyone who comes to the Family History Centre (London, Ontario) during my Tues. morning shifts how to do this and the maps I have printed off for major centres are all there. We have only the 1923 directory, so if their street isn't listed in it, we may be stuck. (From Forebears Research & Associates )
Friday, October 16, 1998
The 1871 census lists an area called Cardwell, what is the present day name of this area?
Tuesday, October 13, 1998
How can I find out if a business still exists, or a person still lives in a certain house?
Monday, October 5, 1998
Would like to get news articals form the kingston whig stander newspaper for the year 1985
The 1871 census says BRA (brant county?) Dumfires South twp. I found a Dumfries in waterloo county but is there one in brant county also? Does BRA stand for Brant?
Wednesday, September 16, 1998
I know that my great grandmother was from a chippewa tribe in Ontario. How would I go about finding which one?
I am trying to find the name of an Indian Reservation in Algoma District/County, on all the maps I have found it only listed as IR#8? My grandfather was born on the reservation and I would like to request his birth record.
Have used the index to war of 1812 war loss claims.(C-15720) Have found ancestor(s) listed in this card index with a reference number. Don't know what to do next. What resource does this reference number relate to?
My ancestor in applying for land (& trying not to choke over the sugar melting in his mouth, apparetnly) reassures the council that he is not "affiliated with the Ryerson Faction" & other land petitions of family members refer also to "internal commotions"& "the MacKenzie Rebellion". What were these matters?
[From Leanne] -- The 1837 MacKenzie rebellion was instigated by William Lyon MacKenzie; earlier in his career as a reform politician, he'd been allied with Reverend Egerton Ryerson, a Methodist minister and moderate reformer. As MacKenzie's politics became more radical, he and Ryerson parted ways. Nevertheless, neither would have been greatly appreciated by the corrupt, conservative Tory regime in place at the time. So yes, the ancestor in question was definitely "sucking up" in order to be assured of a land grant LOL (nor do I blame him...that was something too important to fool around with).
The family's religion was indicated as Church of England. I don't find this religion as one that has records to search there in Ontario church records. Does it come under another church affiliation?
Where is the "Victoria Ward", Ottawa, Ontario, Canada?
Do you know anything about "Immigrant Trains"? My ggrandfather took his family in the 1880s to Nebraska via the immigrant train.
Friday, September 11, 1998
Where can I get prison records from Mimico Reformatory in the 1950's?
Saturday, August 22, 1998
I have a transcript from an Ontario Cemetery. The initials "VSI" appear in several notations. What does VSI stand for?
Friday, June 26, 1998
My Great Grandfather attended a university in Canada about 1850. Where could I find a list of universities operating during that time?
Wednesday, June 17, 1998
Can you please provide an address for the Pennsylvania German Folklore Society of Ontario?
Sunday, June 14, 1998
My GGGGgrandparents emigrated to Canada from Amsterdam, Holland. They were in Ontario for about 2 years before moving on to the US. Are there any records that can be searched for the 1810-1822 period to find out which port they landed in, and where they originated? We've always been told that they were from Ireland, but they had sailed from Amsterdam
Wednesday, June 3, 1998
Where can I look for death/obituary information province-wide for early 1930's death information?
Tuesday, June 2, 1998
Is there an e-mail address the United Church Archives?
Where can I find information and records on prisoners in Ontario penitentiaries between 1837 and 1851?
I would contact the ministry of the Attorney General for penal system inquiries, even that long ago. They do have an "archive" division, because I have used it
'Archives Division'
720 Bay St
Toronto ON M5G 2K1
General Inquiry: 416-326-2220
TTY: 416-326-4012
Fax: 416-326-4007
How do I find out the name of ships that docked at Whitby Harbour during June, 1840?
Try the municipal offices of the town of Whitby, or try the Department of Transportation if they have a "Great Lakes" division. Maybe even Archives Ontario under shipping?
I have a family in the 1861 census, but would like to go back a previous census. It seems to be missing. Can't find either the 1851 or the 1842 census for that area
1851 London Township-St Patricks Rural Ward & 1878 London "East" just east of the city limits - are these 2 areas the same and known as Nilestown today?
Which area was considered as Western Canada during the 1830's and 1840's?
I have noticed many people who call themselves "professional genealogists". Some even appear to have a designation after their names. How does a person become a genealogist or researcher?
* National Institute For Genealogical Studies (Based in Toronto, Ontario)
* Board for Certification of Genealogists (Based in Washington, DC)
* Genealogical Institute of the Maritimes (Based in Halifax, NS -- focuses solely on the Canadian provinces of NS, NB, NF & PEI)
If interested in just pursuing instruction on genealogy research techniques:
* Brigham Young University
* National Genealogical Society
Could you please explain the breakdown of counties to townships, etc? What does "Concession" mean on the census list I retrieved?
In addition, Townships are used in genealogical research to narrow down the area in which to search. As most governmental records are first divided by county, then by township (such as census records) this would mean your first step in research would be to check township instead of the entire county. Using this method of township, then county, research cuts down on time spent needlessly looking in the 'wrong' area. Concessions are used to give an exact location of settlement. They are especially useful if your ancestor settled in a rural area (which means most of Ontario in the 1800's). Pictoral examples of Townships & Concessions
Sunday, May 24, 1998
I am trying to find a family on the 1851 and 1861 censuses. The parents were married in 1849 in St. Paul's RC Church in Toronto but I don't know the ward or township of that church and it might lead me to the township of the family. How can I find St. Paul's location?
[From Susan] There is a website called that has a transcription of the tax rolls for Toronto for 1853. It was created because of the lack of an 1851 census. All heads of households are listed, whether home owners or tenants. To to the site and look on the left for "tax rolls". There's a search engine.
Sunday, May 17, 1998
How can I find out about boundary and jurisdiction changes for East Hawksbury Twp (now Prescott Co) c1851?