Tuesday, April 1, 2003
Please supply me with an email address of someone who can give me a price for a cemetery transcript
I think I would like to purchase The Canadian Gen. Index 1600-1900. Please advise.
I don't have enough information to know how to start my search. I know the family surname, my ancestor's first name, his mother's first name, that they were probably farmers and that my ancestor was born in 1861 and was fluent in both French and English. He emigrated to western New York state. I believe he used the passage following the great ridge in western NY. Where would be a good place to start my search in Canada?
For more help in knowing "Where To Start" there are several websites dedicated to educating "newbies" as well as numerous books (In Search Of Your Canadian Roots by Angus Baxter, and Searching for your Ancestors by Doane & Bell are two excellent books every genealogist should check out). OntarioGenWeb also offers A Beginner's Guide.
Do you know where I could find a recent (ie 2000 or later) map of Ontario that shows all the counties/districts?
I have looked into Land Records for my ancestors and need to know what to do with the "instrument numbers" that I now have. Is there somewhere that I can access these items? What will be shown on these? Some are deeds and some are wills.
When you spot a record of interest, you copy the Instrument # and then obtain the full record (deed, indenture, will, etc) Many are on microfilm.
Usually there is a long description of the exact piece of land (outside boundaries), plus names of all persons involved in the transaction. There will be witnesses and a date. You may also find names of other people, such as heirs, or children --- it all depends what the transaction is. Wills are just that - wills that have been filed with the land records.
Some of the instruments I obtained in my searches of land records contained first names of wives - which had been unknown to me before finding them mentioned in the land records. So it's a valuable resource!
See http://olivetreegenealogy.com/can/ont/land.shtml for more help and explanations
I have a certificate of Baptism for my father from the Presbyterian Church in Canada. I am trying to decipher his place of birth (the writing is hardly readable and it is an original certificate from 1901). I know it is from Ontario and to the best of my ability is says Ron Twp (which I presume is township).The signature is from Rev CA Ferguson at St Andrews Church Ron. Searching the other sites I can find absolutely nothing for this, can you help?
[From Terr] -- This could be a short way of writing alonger name due to space limitation. e.g. Region of Niagara.