Sunday, May 24, 1998

I am trying to find a family on the 1851 and 1861 censuses. The parents were married in 1849 in St. Paul's RC Church in Toronto but I don't know the ward or township of that church and it might lead me to the township of the family. How can I find St. Paul's location?

[From Pat Jeffs] St Paul's RC Church was in St David's Ward. The 1851 census for Toronto was lost, so the only possibility is 1861

[From Susan] There is a website called that has a transcription of the tax rolls for Toronto for 1853. It was created because of the lack of an 1851 census. All heads of households are listed, whether home owners or tenants. To to the site and look on the left for "tax rolls". There's a search engine.

Sunday, May 17, 1998

How can I find out about boundary and jurisdiction changes for East Hawksbury Twp (now Prescott Co) c1851?

The best source of information about Ontario Counties and Tps is Alan Rayburn's book entitled Place Names in Ontario, published by the U of Toronto Press in 1997 -- available at most bookstores for about $ 22.00. Hawkesbury Tp in Prescott Co was created in 1798. It was divided into East and West in 1884. There is also a community called Hawkesbury. It had a Post Office beginning in 1819 and became the Town of Hawkesbury in 1896. In the early days it was the site of a very large lumbering operation run by George and William Hamilton

Friday, May 1, 1998

Is there a directory of Anglican clergymen in Ontario during the last century?

It is easy enough for anyone interested in things Anglican to contact the Anglican authorities by e-mail. The oldest diocese is the Diocese of Ontario located in Kingston. Their office is located at 90 Johnson St. To the immediate west there is the Diocese of Toronto and to the north, the Diocese of Ottawa. I would think that if you used a search engine (keyword "Anglican") you could find out all the ways to contact them. They are very visible on-line. They will have the information requested.